Welcome to Longshot's Rendezvous


This site is dedicated to Rendezvous, the Living History or the Re-Enactment of the
Fur Trade Era in our country during the 1700's and 1800's.  And in particular, to the
Buckskinners, Longhunters, Traders and the Craftsmen of Missouri & Illinois.


   During the 1700's and the first half of the 1800's one of the largest industries in North America was Fur. America was rich in many kinds of fur bearing animals and the fur and hides of these animals was a much sought after comodity. The hearty souls who went out into the great American Wilderness to hunt and trap these furs and hides were known as Hunters or Longhunters, Courier Du Bois and Trappers who would become known as Mountainmen. In the Western Fur Trade, the first trappers went west in search of Beaver as well as many other sorces of hides, and when the season was over they were left to thier own devices to get thier catch either to one of the few trading posts or back to market in the east. In 1825, William Ashley redeveloped an old trading system which brought the trade out to the source. Every year the trade caravans came out to meet the Trappers ("Free" as well as "Company") as well as many of the Indian tribes to trade goods and supplies for "Fur". Each year everyone was to meet or Rendezvous at a pre-determined place where fur and pelts were traded for all manner of Supplies, Goods, and Whiskey. Everyone came to trade and make merry with friends of old and of new. Thus was born the "Rendezvous."



   Today, re-enactors bring this era back to life. Portraying the Trappers, the Longhunters, the Courier Du Bois, the Traders, the Artisans and Native Americans of every kind. They gather together and bring this time of long ago back to life, and they call it "Rendezvous."

  This site is brought to you by Longshot and is dedicated to those people who bring this period to life in the Missouri and Illinois territories in particular, as well as those around the country.  You will find in the following pages, information about some of the upcoming Rendezvous events in the Missouri and Illinois area as well as listings of a few of the Traders, Gun Builders and other "Period" Craftsmen of the area.  You will also find a list of links to other "Related Sites" and even a few of Ol' Longshot's favorite unrelated sites as well.  There is a "Photo Album" page with a few pictures of some of these Rendezvous events and the people who make them happen in the Missouri & Illinois area that I will try to update and change periodically.

To learn a little about Longshot, click here:   Longshot