Here's a look at a couple of my bikes, past & present.

Here may be the only pix in existance of my first Harley, as we tended to be somewhat camera shy in those days. It's a Black '78 Sportster. These pix were taken on a trip a good friend and I made to Colorado (both on '78 Sporties). The pic in the upper left hand corner taken on top of Pikes Peak.

My last ride, a '73 FLH Shovelhead. It was an old Shriners Bike. It looked like this for a year or two and then when I had to rebuild the heads which were baked from too much parade riding, I started stripping her down trying to get another look.


This is how it wound up looking. There was much more I had wanted to do with it, but in those days the priorities of raising a family etc. restricted the budget so I never totally acheived the look I was after. After I don't know how many years and 80 something thousand miles the motor and tranny were about worn out as was the suspension. A guy offered me more than it was worth and I reluctantly took it.

After a few years of doing without, my wife suggested I should go out and get another bike, mostly because she was tired of me being an "Old Bitch" when the weather turned nice. It took a lot of soul searching deciding what exactly it was I wanted. Really had the Heritage Softail in mind for a long time but after doing a lot of reading and research I started leaning toward another of the FLH line. Had almost convinced myself to go with a Road King but in the end decided on the '05 Electra Glide Classic. I changed the mufflers right off the bat, nothing too radical and I really don't see doing anything much more than that except perhaps the rear trunk may come and go. My son calls it a "Geezer Bike" - Maybe so, I ain't no Spring Chicken anymore anyway. The son by the way, following in the old man's footsteps, went out not soon after I got the Classic and bought a Sporster (below right). A good learning bike for him, but he wasn't long satisfied and a year later he made a really nice trade for himself on a really sweet '04 Lava Sunglow Red Nighttrain (bottom).

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